Oireachtas Joint and Select Committees

Wednesday, 3 December 2014

Joint Oireachtas Committee on Education and Social Protection

Online Learning at University: Discussion

2:10 pm

Mr. John D'Arcy:

On the Chairman's point about the degree of education MOOC learners already have received, we have conducted some research in terms of our badged open courses which indicates that 36% of those who took the badged open course already had an undergraduate qualification. This compared with a figure of 56% for those who were accessing our website earlier. This was being pushed down somewhat because they were obtaining a degree of accreditation from us. There is a sense that this can be marketed to those who do not have a university education. The Futurelearn figures are much higher. Those concerned are generally well educated. We are getting to some of these learners in our social missions through the new badged open courses, but there is work still to be done in that regard. Interestingly - this was a surprising figure - 31% of those accessing the badged open courses had a disability, which is a much higher percentage than for those taking some of our additional routes. As stated by Professor Savage, the revenue coming through in terms of certificates of participation and assessment is very low, particular in the case of Futurelearn. Some of the other providers have probably being doing it for a year or so. A certificate of participation will bring in revenue in the case of Futurelearn of approximately £29 sterling per person, which is not huge. The number going down that route is not very extensive. Revenue is not in a specific space.


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