Oireachtas Joint and Select Committees

Wednesday, 19 November 2014

Joint Oireachtas Committee on Justice, Defence and Equality

Public Order Offences from Alcohol Misuse Perspective: Discussion (Resumed)

10:20 am

Ms Evelyn Jones:

As a proprietor of an off-licence, it is something that we would micromanage ourselves. It is a delicate balance. In certain cases, we would be in breach of people's civil liberties, but we do so because we are not comfortable with selling alcohol to people who are marginalised. Obviously we are not comfortable selling alcohol to persons who are under age and we are definitely not comfortable selling alcohol to an adult who will give it to a child. We have to police an area of 100 metres in front of our shops, so one would keep an eye out. If one saw an adult walk out with six cans of beer and hand it to a child, one would confiscate that alcohol and bring it back into the shop. The offending person would have to come and look for a refund. Sometimes we have to take it on the chin and risk the breaches of civil liberties. It is not ideal, but it is preferable to the other option.


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