Oireachtas Joint and Select Committees

Wednesday, 5 November 2014

Joint Oireachtas Committee on Transport and Communications

National Postcode System: Freight Transport Association Ireland

9:55 am

Mr. Tom Carr:

From our point of view, we asked the same question: is it too late to stop this? The second question is whether it is another Irish Water. It is a good system for the emergency services because they can pinpoint a location, but they are not pinpointing a location on a sequential basis as it is once-off locations that they are pinpointing. In terms of an Irish Water, absolutely it is an Irish Water for the transport and logistics industry. In hindsight we will look back and we will ask how we got that wrong as well.

The Senator is right to point out that we are the last to introduce a postal code system. We should be the best. We are recognised in this country for being technical and digital leaders and now we have an opportunity to implement something that represents that, yet we are not going to do it. I do not know whether it is too late to do something about this. That is the big question we have.


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