Oireachtas Joint and Select Committees

Wednesday, 5 November 2014

Joint Oireachtas Committee on Finance, Public Expenditure and Reform

Overview of Banking Sector: Bank of Ireland

4:25 pm

Mr. Richie Boucher:

That might have been a perception across Europe. I probably feel that in the Irish context, we had been through a lot of stress tests on the AQR processes, etc. The situation involving us and AIB did not come as a surprise to the market or anyone else. We account for over 50% of new lending into the economy. A feature has been the fact that a lot of our new to bank lending would have involved a refinancing of people from other banks. A particular feature we have noticed since March 2014, particularly in the SME business that comes within Mr. McLoughlin's remit, is that over 50% of our new lending involves customers who are doing new things rather than refinancing or rearranging their finances with banks exiting or where they are uncomfortable, etc. That is an important component of the recovery. Bank lending tends to track behind economic recovery and then to go a little beyond GDP. Our ambition is to beat GDP. We hope we have competitive propositions and that we are extremely focused on the market. We lend to all sectors and have particular features. We are lending over 50% of new money to the economy. We reported in our pre-close statement on Friday that the pace of new lending was picking up also.


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