Oireachtas Joint and Select Committees

Wednesday, 8 October 2014

Joint Oireachtas Committee on Agriculture, Food and the Marine

General Scheme of Horse Racing Ireland (Amendment) Bill 2014: (Resumed) Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine

10:55 am

Mr. Brendan Gleeson:

Absolutely. They are intended to be comprehended in the wording that is there. However, I accept there is an inconsistency between the two heads. We will ensure they are specifically referenced. Obviously if that is part of the report emanating from the committee we will take it on board.

The Deputy asked me a very specific question about stallholders.

The provision in the 2001 Act on stallholders has not changed, with regard to the provision and maintenance of mobile track equipment including starting stalls, photo finishes, camera control equipment and any other such equipment agreed from time to time between Horse Racing Ireland and the racing regulatory body to provide the racing regulatory body with photographs, films, sound recordings and other connected materials or the data generated. The functions relating to stallholders have also resided with Horse Racing Ireland and there is no proposal to change this.


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