Oireachtas Joint and Select Committees

Tuesday, 15 July 2014

Joint Oireachtas Committee on Jobs, Enterprise and Innovation

Annual Report 2013 and Microenterprise Policy: Enterprise Ireland

2:05 pm

Ms Julie Sinnamon:

In terms of the regionalisation agenda, Enterprise Ireland has much less mobile investment than IDA Ireland. Most people come in and start a company wherever they are actually established; it would only be overseas entrepreneurs or some FDI investments which are mobile. We are trying to drive impact locally. Therefore, investment in third level, the research agenda and the commercialisation agenda, and investment in technology centres with a view to developing technology transfer and spin-outs in local economies are a major part of the drive. A key part of the 2014-16 strategy is the development of regional entrepreneurship plans from the bottom up, trying to work on the strength in each region to ensure we are not missing out on anything and that we capitalise on what is happening locally. Certainly the regional agenda is high on our list of priorities. Perhaps I can invite Mr. Tom Hayes to deal with the local enterprise offices, LEOs.


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