Oireachtas Joint and Select Committees

Wednesday, 9 July 2014

Joint Oireachtas Committee on Foreign Affairs and Trade

Middle East Situation: Ambassador of Iran to Ireland

3:30 pm

H.E. Mr. Javad Kachoueian:

Also, we have good relations with all neighbours, but our relations at the moment with Armenia are excellent. During some problem in history, many Armenians emigrated to Iran. They made their church and the others. Perhaps because of the bad weather the Chairman could not find time to go to the east front. If he went to the east front he would witness very beautiful churches and many Christians live there peacefully. Some of the problems in our regions do not relate to the Islam. Unfortunately, there is some political motivation behind it. In Syria, there have been very good relations between Christians and Muslims.

I believe there is some misunderstanding about the Ahmadinejad remark. He said that if Israel continued its policy, automatically it may be removed. As can been seen today in the Middle East - in Gaza and elsewhere - we offer some solution for the problem in this regard. First, we did not recognise Israel as a legitimate government because we cannot recognise occupation. I am sure the members understand the meaning of occupation. At least they understand we cannot recognise occupation. The problem we witness today is from this policy - from occupation. If at that time the international community had supported the Palestinians, we would not have the situation we witness today.


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