Oireachtas Joint and Select Committees

Thursday, 3 July 2014

Public Accounts Committee

2012 Annual Report and Appropriation Accounts of the Comptroller and Auditor General
Vote 39 - Health Service Executive
Section 38 - Agencies Remuneration

2:35 pm

Mr. Hamilton Goulding:

I was a former director of that company, yes. At the time of our resigning from the CRC – I resigned from all the boards together – I was not aware, I confess, of the requirement for two directors to remain there. I have not had correspondence since, however. Clearly, it needs some attention. I had one letter from a company of auditors asking me whether I was a director. In fact, I was forwarded the letter from Mr. Conlan in which he was not providing information that had been asked for. I acknowledged the correspondence and stated I had resigned, as I had. I have heard no more since. Clearly, that is something that needs some attention.


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