Oireachtas Joint and Select Committees

Thursday, 3 July 2014

Public Accounts Committee

2012 Annual Report and Appropriation Accounts of the Comptroller and Auditor General
Vote 39 - Health Service Executive
Section 38 - Agencies Remuneration

11:10 am

Ms Laverne McGuinness:

That would be correct. In relation to the appointment, as the Deputy knows, there is significant correspondence and engagement that went back and forth to try to unravel how that appointment actually took place because as part of the service level arrangement it is required to seek permission. It knew that was the case. It did not do that. The process that we would have - the transparent process for recruitment - did not happen. Then there was an issue in relation to the salary. It appeared it was paying a salary which was in excess of that which was agreed now. In 2009, as we said, it was very clear at that time. It said it had contractual commitments to the now previous CEO which had to be honoured, but that at a time when a new CEO was going to be brought on board or be replaced, first, that it would advise us and seek our permission for that and, second, that it would bring it into line with pay. I have the backing documentation which will verify that.


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