Oireachtas Joint and Select Committees

Thursday, 19 June 2014

Public Accounts Committee

2012 Annual Report and Appropriation Accounts of the Comptroller and Auditor General
Chapter 7 - Management of the Fixed Charge Notice System
Chapter 8 - Management of Outsourced Safety Cameras
Chapter 14 - Cash Balances in the RSA
Vote 31 - Transport, Tourism and Sport

1:05 pm

Ms Moyagh Murdock:

We use the data as part of our research remit and our education and promotions programmes. If we find that an effect has been produced in terms, for example, of a reduction in the number of collisions, we would work with the Garda to recommend moving the equipment to another location. So as opposed to a location at which there have been fatalities, we might perhaps recommend monitoring a location at which serious collisions have taken place. There is a priority list in terms of the most effective use of those vans.


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