Oireachtas Joint and Select Committees

Thursday, 10 April 2014

Joint Oireachtas Committee on Finance, Public Expenditure and Reform

Mortgage Arrears Resolution Process: (Resumed) Bank of Ireland

1:30 pm

Mr. Richie Boucher:

Our primary focus for mortgage lending is the income capacity of the customer. The multiple will depend on different circumstances but it is between 4.25 and 4.75. We will provide a mortgage for up to 90% of the purchase price or a formal valuation, whichever is lower. The average loan to value of mortgages we wrote in 2013 was 70%. I do not have the quantum of property or the percentage of property we had in 2008, but if the Senator had the advantage of seeing our pack, we break down the profile of our loan book on one of the slides. We break down the portfolio and show the gross amount before the provisions of €8.8 billion. For property and construction, prior to the provisions, it amounts to 18% of the loan book, with roughly half in the Republic of Ireland and half in the rest of the world. Some €8.8 billion is in the Republic of Ireland and €8 billion in the rest of the world.


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