Oireachtas Joint and Select Committees

Thursday, 10 April 2014

Joint Oireachtas Committee on Finance, Public Expenditure and Reform

Mortgage Arrears Resolution Process: (Resumed) Bank of Ireland

12:00 pm

Mr. Stephen Mason:

It is a different population. We are looking at customers who were still in default on 30 September. Many of the customers to whom we offered forbearance were in default, and the forbearance would have sorted out their issues and moved them back into the good book. Unfortunately, the way the figures are presented does not tell the full story because they represent a point in time. Ultimately, what one will be left with in terms of default is that more of the customers will be in the legal process because forbearance should be curing customers and taking them out of default. The figures I have presented pertain to the more than 10,000 customers who completed standard financial statements over the year. They were a mix of pre-arrears, early arrears and late arrears. Where they either had difficulties or expected difficulties, we were able to offer forbearance in nine out of ten cases.


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