Oireachtas Joint and Select Committees

Thursday, 10 April 2014

Joint Oireachtas Committee on Finance, Public Expenditure and Reform

Mortgage Arrears Resolution Process: (Resumed) Bank of Ireland

10:50 am

Mr. Stephen Mason:

No, what happens is that these are point-in-time figures. What we were asked to do was to look at our default book at the end of September and give information as to where they are at the end of December. The numbers available are for people in default at the end of September but the other accounts could have been in default previous to that and have now gone back into the good book. Some of the accounts might not have been in arrears but others might have been in early arrears. Some accounts might have been in default before September. The figures we give are for those in default at the end of September and we show where they are at the end of December. That is what we were asked to do. It would not be true to say they were always up to date. They might have been up to date but some might have been in early arrears and others in default.


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