Oireachtas Joint and Select Committees

Thursday, 10 April 2014

Joint Oireachtas Committee on Finance, Public Expenditure and Reform

Mortgage Arrears Resolution Process: (Resumed) Bank of Ireland

10:40 am

Mr. Richie Boucher:

We also have an overpay category, that is, a customer who has not been through an SFS process, who might be three or four months in arrears and who would say to us: "I can pay you. I don't really want to through the SFS process. I can pay you an incremental €200 a month as an informal arrangement." At the end of December, we would have had 1,348 accounts in that overpay category. Quite a lot of people who would have been in the default category, that is, those who are 90 days plus in arrears, might not have gone through the SFS process but have entered into an informal overpay category. We keep track of those statistics and customers can move out on that basis as well.


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