Oireachtas Joint and Select Committees

Thursday, 30 January 2014

Public Accounts Committee

2012 Annual Report of the Comptroller and Auditor General and Appropriation Accounts
Chapter 6 - Land Swap Arrangement in the Provision of Affordable Houses
Vote 13 - Office of Public Works

12:25 pm

Ms Clare McGrath:

It is not altogether new to our heritage sites. The committee will beware that in the Iveagh Gardens or the Phoenix Park there are events like the Taste of Dublin or the Bloom festival and concerts as well. Towards the end of last year we advertised seeking suggestions on proposals from individuals who might wish to provide new or enhanced facilities on our sites on a licensed basis. To date, we have received 40 requests for information and 11 proposals have come in.

We are looking at how we can achieve greater footfall on our sites by adding additional facilities to those sites. The idea is to enhance the visitor experience but it is also about working in partnership between the State and private and commercial interests. However, it will be on a licensed basis and there will be an agreed facility fee. Furthermore, we recognise that potential employment opportunities might arise, such as local jobs, etc.


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