Oireachtas Joint and Select Committees

Wednesday, 15 January 2014

Select Committee on Justice, Defence and Equality

Business of Select Committee

2:20 pm

Deputy Alan Shatter:

My hopes are not always fulfilled, but I hope that the final tranche of amendments will be ready for distribution within the next ten or 14 days. I am loath to fix a date for the debate on those amendments until I know for sure when they will be available to me. I want to ensure Deputies have time to consider them. We have covered a major portion of the Bill. The number of remaining amendments is a good deal less extensive. A number of important amendments have been worked on. Perhaps my officials will communicate with the clerk of the committee when I have greater visibility regarding the date on which we should be able to distribute and publish the remaining amendments. The date for the recommencement of the Committee Stage debate on the Legal Services Regulation Bill 2011 will be set in that context.


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