Oireachtas Joint and Select Committees

Tuesday, 14 January 2014

Joint Oireachtas Committee on Health and Children

Health Service Plan 2014: Minister for Health and HSE

7:40 pm

Mr. Tony O'Brien:

In regard to the children and family service, as it was in 2013, I am and remain the Accounting Officer for that period. There is no carry forward of the services deficit from 2013 into the agency. However, there is a carry forward in respect of the HSE component - its full budget from 2013, plus some additions we made, particularly in the area of legal costs, and the full budgets of the other component parts. Whether there will be a deficit, however, depends entirely on how much money the agency spends in 2014. However, to the extent that part of the HSE deficit in 2013 was made up of children and family services, none of that deficit from 2013 carries forward as a first charge on to 2014.


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