Oireachtas Joint and Select Committees

Tuesday, 14 January 2014

Joint Oireachtas Committee on Health and Children

Health Service Plan 2014: Minister for Health and HSE

7:30 pm

Mr. Thomas Byrne:

There are 122 qualified staff, but on my appointment, I was given the ability to hire additional staff. Following a detailed review around the country of what I had found, while some people outside were suggesting I would be obliged to bring in people around me at the top to sort out the problem, I did not. The people who are there are well able and more than capable of doing the job. Consequently, the people we are bringing in are younger accountants at a level below to free up the expertise to work with me in helping to drive this. These are the people with the expertise who can understand it and deliver it. I acknowledge that it is tricky and in a forum such as this, it is always difficult to start talking about changing financial systems. While we are preparing the business case for submission, with 30 years in the private sector and having worked on common operating models with BT also, I acknowledge that it is and will be difficult. However, there is a simple solution - if one keeps it straightforward and simple - one truth, if we are all using the same common chart of accounts to deliver on information. Much work has been done on this already, on which we can work and that is my main priority in this regard. I believe that is sufficient on this issue.


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