Oireachtas Joint and Select Committees
Tuesday, 17 December 2013
Committee on Environment, Culture and the Gaeltacht: Select Sub-Committee on the Environment, Community and Local Government
Message to Dáil
2:15 pm
Noel Coonan (Tipperary North, Fine Gael) | Oireachtas source
In accordance with Standing Order 87, the following message will be sent to the Dáil:
The Select Sub-Committee on the Environment, Community and Local Government has completed its consideration of the following motion: "That Dáil Éireann approves the terms of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Non-Navigational Uses of International Watercourses, done at New York on 21st May, 1997, a copy of which was laid before Dáil Éireann on 5th December, 2013."
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