Oireachtas Joint and Select Committees

Wednesday, 4 December 2013

Joint Oireachtas Committee on Transport and Communications

Electricity Transmission Network: Discussion with EirGrid

12:50 pm

Ms Deborah Meghan:

As part of the preliminary re-evaluation report that was published in 2011, we put out for consultation the question of whether the study area was big enough and whether we needed to expand it. We asked for feedback in respect of the specifics of the study area. Obviously, a study area is determined first and foremost by one starting point and endpoint. As those two points must be included, one is talking from Woodland, County Meath into Turleenan in County Tyrone. Again, we asked that question, as we do of all our projects. In general, we generate the study area ourselves based on the simple A to B principle, as one must take into account those two points. Thereafter we asked for and sought feedback on whether the study area was big enough or otherwise. We did this as part of the preliminary re-evaluation report in 2011 with the North-South project.


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