Oireachtas Joint and Select Committees

Wednesday, 4 December 2013

Joint Oireachtas Committee on Transport and Communications

Electricity Transmission Network: Discussion with EirGrid

12:30 pm

Mr. Fintan Slye:

While none of the Grid25 projects are associated with the renewables export projects in any way the Grid25 programme and specific projects in particular do facilitate the harnessing of renewable resources for domestic use, for example, the Grid West project extends the grid from the Carrick-on-Shannon area to western Mayo. It reinforces the grid all around that area and a key part of it is that it does facilitate the harnessing of the considerable renewable resource on the western seaboard and bringing it into the rest of the grid. Renewable energy is a key part of the grid and the transmission system and the power system we have and that will continue to grow as we look to meet our 2020 targets.


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