Oireachtas Joint and Select Committees

Wednesday, 4 December 2013

Joint Oireachtas Committee on Transport and Communications

Electricity Transmission Network: Discussion with EirGrid

12:00 pm

Dr. Gabor Mezei:

It is a pleasure to be here. I am a senior scientist in an independent engineering and scientific organisation called Exponent. I am also employed by EirGrid. I am here to be a resource and provide independent opinion on potential health issues related to EMF, electric and magnetic fields. I am a medical doctor and have a doctorate in epidemiology from the University of California, Los Angeles. I have 20 years experience in conducting and analysing environmental health studies. I spent 13 of those years involved in the specific field of EMF.

This is an important issue because we are surrounded by electricity. Therefore, we are exposed to EMF, mostly during the day, and the issue of potential health effects is of public concern. In the past 35 years literally thousands of studies have been published of the potential health effects of EMF on the human population. A number of national and international expert panels organised by health or scientific agencies have examined the evidence in the body of studies available and they have all concluded that there is no cause and effect relationship between EMF and any health outcome. More specifically, the World Health Organization has concluded following its in-depth review of the scientific literature that the evidence does not confirm the existence of health consequences from exposure to EMF.


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