Oireachtas Joint and Select Committees

Wednesday, 4 December 2013

Joint Oireachtas Committee on Transport and Communications

Electricity Transmission Network: Discussion with EirGrid

11:20 am

Mr. Fintan Slye:

That point was made by the Chairman at the beginning of the meeting. We will take that feedback and reflect upon the brochure and the representation of the information. That is good and helpful feedback.

There was a question about hypersensitivity to autism which is caused by noise. As part of the planning application we have to deal with any noise effects off the lines and comply with any regulations and to explain that. That will be dealt with as part of the planning process which we have to deal with in a comprehensive manner.

There was a question about additional powers that we may have in terms of access to lands. Perhaps Ms Deborah Meghan will speak about them.


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