Oireachtas Joint and Select Committees

Wednesday, 4 December 2013

Joint Oireachtas Committee on Transport and Communications

Electricity Transmission Network: Discussion with EirGrid

11:20 am

Mr. John Fitzgerald:

This comes back to another point made in regard to the EMF descriptions. With underground HVDC we put them predominantly in the roads where we can as it gives easier access. That is the practice. On the East-West Interconnector, 90% of it on land in Ireland is adjacent to the public roads for that reason.

Perhaps I can move on to the EMF question. We have tried to represent it as one would encounter it. Typically the pylons are not in public areas and would be at a remove of 20 m or 30 m. The Deputy said that if it was underneath it would be off the radar. It would not; it would be comparable to an underground AC cable. Perhaps if one was standing underneath it might be 45 microtesla. Depending on the loading of the line, the current on the line is what drives it, but even at full load, the maximum one will ever see on these lines if one was standing underneath them, would be about 40 to 50 microtesla which is a millionth of a tesla, which is the unit. For the AC cable, it is probably the same-----


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