Oireachtas Joint and Select Committees

Wednesday, 4 December 2013

Joint Oireachtas Committee on Transport and Communications

Electricity Transmission Network: Discussion with EirGrid

11:05 am

Ms Deborah Meghan:

I understand the concerns and issues that have been raised by the Deputy. An underground route was considered as part of the PB Power report that was developed in 2009. The report examined issues like landscape types and how many times such a route would have to cross a road. That was all costed and assessed. The report in question was published at that time and has been updated. The costings were updated earlier this year. That report continues to feed into the process. It will form part of any planning application that is submitted as part of the North-South project. The work that was done regarding an underground cable route, at the time when corridors were being considered as part of the development of this infrastructure, was similar to the work that would have been done for an overhead line. It formed part of the PB Power report, which was open for public comment and has been made available. We will take on board again what Deputy Mulherin said about the need to do this in a manner that makes it easier for people to understand and directly equate to. We will take that feedback on board. The work has been done. The work is still there. It is available and will form part of the planning application for the North-South project.


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