Oireachtas Joint and Select Committees

Wednesday, 4 December 2013

Joint Oireachtas Committee on Education and Social Protection

General Scheme of Education (Admission to Schools) Bill 2013: Discussion

2:00 pm

Photo of Charlie McConalogueCharlie McConalogue (Donegal North East, Fianna Fail) | Oireachtas source

I welcome everyone and thank them for their submissions in advance. Could the Department of Education and Skills comment on some of the comments by subsequent contributors, particularly on the independent appeals process and the removal of section 29? Could the Department also comment on the current rules on deposits and any feedback or statistics it has on that practice?

Ms Lynch of the National Parents Council commented on the role of the HSE and Garda as outlined in the heads of the Bill. Could she elaborate on that? She also mentioned the need for an independent appeals process, on which most contributors commented.

Ms Corr of NABMSE said she does not feel the proposals take into account special needs requirements and supports. Could she elaborate on that and what she would like to see there? How does joint enrolment work and what are her views on it under the proposals?

Mr. Buckley pointed out that the heads of Bill do not allow for the ETBs to have the final decision, as is the case currently. How does that sit with current ETB legislation? I imagine that ETB legislation clarifies that is the way, yet the heads of this Bill suggest something different. Mr. Buckley had a concern about the removal of the school's power to decide not to enrol a student. Could he elaborate on that?

Dr. Ken Fennelly of the Church of Ireland General Synod Board of Education expressed particular concerns about section 29. He felt the proposals were overly interventionist and affected the content and not just the format of the enrolment procedure. Could he elaborate on those concerns and with what parts he has an issue?

Could Ms Griffin of the NCSE elaborate on the short days situation and what she feels needs to happen? She indicated that it is important that the Department be able to assess what is happening and the level of education a child is getting.

I take on board the points the INTO made, particularly on section 29.

The need for an independent appeal process is something on which there was consensus among the contributors today. I ask the Department to comment on this.


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