Oireachtas Joint and Select Committees

Tuesday, 5 November 2013

Joint Oireachtas Committee on Agriculture, Food and the Marine

Liquid Milk Market: Discussion with Strathroy Dairy

4:00 pm

Mr. RuairĂ­ Cunningham:

To finish, the legal route is open to us. If the NDC's campaign was successful and we were excluded from the Southern market, we would definitely go down the legal route. I first came to Dublin to start building this business in 1995 and I would be sore if something like this took that bit of business away from us. The problem is that a non-government body is industry funded, in that it is taking €2.4 million per year out of farmers' pockets. Only 10% of farmers can hope to gain, as 90% are manufacturing farmers. If we went to Europe or wherever and were found to be in the right and received damages, the farmer would pay them. We have no interest in taking money out of farmers' pockets. Cormac would probably never forgive me. They work long and hard enough without us doing that. This is why we are in attendance today. If we believed that the legal route was the way to go, we would have already taken it.


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