Oireachtas Joint and Select Committees

Thursday, 10 October 2013

Public Accounts Committee

Special Report No. 78 of the Comptroller and Auditor General: Matters Arising out of Education Audits (Resumed)

12:10 pm

Dr. RuaidhrĂ­ Neavyn:

The Chairman is correct in this point. There is a mixture. I want to clarify the point. There are costs that are associated with central activities and other costs that are associated with what one may term personal expenditure. The analysis is there. I can give examples. The PR consultancy costs would have been for services for the institute in general. There would have been taxi expenses that would have been for the office specifically. The Deloitte report would give the Chairman an idea of the general categories of expenditure and in Deloitte 2, we focused on the areas that were specific to direct expenditure by the president in relation to his specific costs.


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