Oireachtas Joint and Select Committees

Tuesday, 16 July 2013

Joint Oireachtas Committee on Health and Children

Cochlear Ear Implants: Discussion

5:30 pm

Photo of Caoimhghín Ó CaoláinCaoimhghín Ó Caoláin (Cavan-Monaghan, Sinn Fein) | Oireachtas source

I welcome Ms Danielle Ryan, Ms Denise Martin, Ms Deanna Cairns, Ms Amie Connor and Mr. Shay Kearns. I thank them for coming to meet us. It is important that the delegation knows that this meeting has been specially convened purely to accommodate it. The committee has had a very heavy workload over the past number of months and I pay tribute to all of my committee colleagues, of all political opinions, for their hard work. I can assure Mr. Kearns that he is talking to people who have open minds and hearts on this issue.

It is timely for us to meet the delegation immediately after it met the Minister for Health. Recently, across the floor of the Dáil, the Minister of State, Deputy Kathleen Lynch, and the Minister for Health acknowledged that we had won the case that we had presented in terms of the inclusion for provision of the scheme in the 2014 budgetary arrangements. I hope the delegation will be able to confirm that the funding is still on track following its meeting with the Minister a short time ago. We want to be sure that our efforts have complimented those of the delegation. If it has concerns or fears that it has not had certainty that its needs will be met then the committee needs to reflect on that, and we will. We must focus on delivering the funding and the business plan as soon as possible.

The list of questions I had prepared was whether all necessary preparations were in place to ensure the business plan is considered and factored into next year's health budget. All the indications we have are at least positive. How is it proposed to deal with the backlog of cases - for example, those who have had a single implant - in addition to the children presenting who will be seeking an implant in both ears simultaneously? Have the consultants in Beaumont Hospital indicated a sense of how the programme will work? Are the human resources adequate to cater for the backlog, which I understand will take up to 18 months to deal with? Given the numbers involved, is that a reasonable timeframe or will it go beyond that?

Have the witnesses any concerns about the resources that will be provided to deal with the backlog in a reasonable period? Can we be certain there is a commitment to cater for all those needing this treatment in Beaumont Hospital and that the children will not be sent to the three centres in England, with all the attendant difficulties? Are the parents happy that the proposed programme with meet their children's needs?


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