Oireachtas Joint and Select Committees

Thursday, 20 June 2013

Joint Oireachtas Committee on Environment, Culture and the Gaeltacht

Climate Change: Discussion

4:25 pm

Mr. Brian Carroll:

Deputy Mulherin is correct, in that EirGrid has a plan to roll out grid. We have gate 3. EirGrid has a programme to accommodate more intermittent or variable renewable energy on the grid. This will involve using smart grid. The Department has been aware of the difficulties for wind farm developers and the delays in progressing their projects. At this year's Irish Wind Energy Association, IWEA, conference, the Minister announced a number of changes to the REFIT 1 and 2 schemes. These changes were welcomed by the industry, as they included time flexibility to allow people to develop for 2020 and to make their projects bankable. This is a specific departmental response to facilitate developers.


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