Oireachtas Joint and Select Committees

Wednesday, 6 March 2013

Joint Oireachtas Committee on Transport and Communications

Social Media: Discussion

11:40 am

Ms Deirdre O'Keeffe:

It is not part of our brief to deal with individual cases. Our brief is to raise awareness and provide support to people in so far as we can by providing information to them as to how they might proceed if they have a difficulty. That is the kind of information that was in this brochure. It is also on our website. We try to divert people to wherever they need to go for the information. The hotline website is not part of us but we work closely with it. It is supported by the Internet Service Providers Association of Ireland. It takes just under of 2,500 calls per year. We do not have any concerns about its ability to deal with those calls. This may be an issue that the committee may wish to raise with the Internet Service Providers Association of Ireland. It is not particularly a question we can answer. We support and are involved with what it is doing at present. It is also supported by funding from the EU Internet safety programme and it is our view that it discharges that role adequately at present. If an additional role were to be recommended for it, that is a question it would need to answer. It is not a question we would be in a position to answer.


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