Oireachtas Joint and Select Committees

Tuesday, 12 February 2013

Joint Oireachtas Committee on Agriculture, Food and the Marine

Use of Commonage Lands: Discussion with Teagasc, NARGC and Golden Eagle Trust

4:55 pm

Photo of Martin FerrisMartin Ferris (Kerry North-West Limerick, Sinn Fein) | Oireachtas source

I thank the witnesses for their presentations, which were very informative. The position as outlined by Mr. Lorcán O'Toole in Donegal is hugely impressive. The work of the farming community with the various agencies and the input and support of the farming organisations shows what can done, followed by the knock-on effect of the huge benefit to the entire community from a tourism point of view, including the coastal and rural areas that need it.

The re-introduction of traditional breeds of cattle was mentioned. I assume we are talking about the Kerry Blue and Shorthorn breeds. Has anything been done to initiate it? A big part of what all of us hope can be achieved is down to incentives, co-operation and the collective approach. Apart from monetary incentives, what other incentives have the witnesses in mind? The damage being done to wildlife, in particular by the North American mink and foxes, was mentioned. The mink does more damage to the habitat than any other species. They are predators and kill for the sake of killing. If they are anywhere near a river, they clean out the whole area for the sake of killing. I understand a bounty applies for getting rid of them. In my county and in County Donegal they were allowed go free and have done huge damage to wildlife.

I am supportive of both presentations which offer huge incentives for rural areas at this time. If the plan is managed properly and there is a collective and co-operative approach to it and if the people in the area can buy into it, that is the way to go.


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