Oireachtas Joint and Select Committees

Thursday, 25 October 2012

Public Accounts Committee

Department of Justice and Equality - Review of Allowances

12:20 pm

Mr. Brian Purcell:

There are 12 separate allowances that refer to different aspects of night duty. Typically, an officer could be in receipt of six separate allowances which add up to the normal night duty payment. There are 13 allowances that are part of normal remuneration. They include the allowances for additional hours, bonus hours and pooled hours and the operational allowance. There are various sub-divisions of pooled hours and bonus hours. When an officer is unable to attend for an additional hours shift, he or she loses pay and the hours are pooled, that is, they are kept available for another officer to work within that quarter. Regarding bonus hours, the minimum length of a shift for additional hours is eight hours. If an officer has less than eight hours remaining, he or she will be paid for those hours, although they cannot be actually worked. There are also allowances for retro hours and back payments for hours not included in staff pay for the relevant pay period. Other allowances are simply explained such as extra payments for attendance on a Saturday and Sunday, unsocial hours, night-time duties, Christmas and public holidays.


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