Oireachtas Joint and Select Committees

Tuesday, 23 October 2012

Public Accounts Committee

Department of Public Expenditure and Reform, Houses of the Oireachtas Commission - Review of Allowances

4:20 pm

Mr. Robert Watt:

We have reviewed 1,100 allowances and received 800 business cases, which are available to the committee. We would welcome the committee's opinions on the allowances. If members have a different opinion on the forklift allowance or any other allowance or if they do not agree with business cases and wish to get into the minutiae, by all means they should do so and we will look forward to reading the committee's report on the matter. We have set out our views on how to rationalise this situation and how to have a more sensible way of paying people across the system. We welcome the committee's assistance in this task, as that is what it has been asked to do.


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