Oireachtas Joint and Select Committees
Tuesday, 29 June 2021
- Joint Oireachtas Committee on Agriculture, Food and the Marine (0 speeches)
Tháinig an Comhchoiste le chéile ag 09:30 The Joint Committee met at 09:30 COMHALTAÍ A BHÍ I LÁTHAIR / MEMBERS PRESENT: Teachtaí Dála / Deputies Teachtaí...
- Business of Joint Committee (1 speech)
Apologies have been received from Deputy Browne. Deputy Pádraig MacLochlainn is substituting for Deputy Matt Carthy. Before we begin I remind members that in the context of the current...
- Fishing Industry: Discussion (Resumed) (46 speeches)
I would like to welcome to the meeting the following representatives of the Sea-Fisheries Protection Authority, SFPA, Dr. Susan Steele, chair of the authority, Mr. Andrew Kinneen, authority...
- Business of Joint Committee (25 speeches)
We have resumed in public session. Our first witness is not yet online so while we are waiting, I will give an update on my visit to the Littleton recycling plant on Monday. Members have an...
- Collection and Recycling of Farm Plastics: Discussion (260 speeches)
As Mr. Walker is still not with us, I suggest that we move on to the Irish Farm Film Producers Group, IFFPG. Is that agreed? Agreed. The purpose of this session is to discuss the collection...
- Joint Oireachtas Committee on Climate Action (0 speeches)
Tháinig an Comhchoiste le chéile ag 12:30 The Joint Committee met at 12:30 COMHALTAÍ A BHÍ I LÁTHAIR / MEMBERS PRESENT: Teachtaí Dála / Deputies Teachtaí...
- Joint Oireachtas Committee on Children and Youth Affairs (0 speeches)
Tháinig an Comhchoiste le chéile ag 15:30 The Joint Committee met at 15:30 COMHALTAÍ A BHÍ I LÁTHAIR / MEMBERS PRESENT: Teachtaí Dála / Deputies Teachtaí...
- Joint Oireachtas Committee on Education and Skills (0 speeches)
Tháinig an Comhchoiste le chéile ag 15:30 The Joint Committee met at 15:30 COMHALTAÍ A BHÍ I LÁTHAIR / MEMBERS PRESENT: Teachtaí Dála / Deputies Teachtaí...
- Business of Joint Committee (1 speech)
The committee today is meeting virtually through Microsoft Teams and in committee room 4 in Leinster House. I remind members to please ensure their mobile phones are switched off for the...
- Traveller Education: Discussion (65 speeches)
On behalf of the committee I would like to welcome Mr. Bernard Joyce, director of the Irish Traveller Movement, Ms Tracey Reilly, Pavee Point, and Ms Maria Joyce, co-ordinator of the National...
- Joint Oireachtas Committee on Foreign Affairs and Trade, and Defence (0 speeches)
Tháinig an Comhchoiste le chéile ag 12:30 The Joint Committee met at 12:30 COMHALTAÍ A BHÍ I LÁTHAIR / MEMBERS PRESENT: Teachtaí Dála / Deputies Teachtaí...
- Joint Oireachtas Committee on Housing, Planning and Local Government (0 speeches)
Tháinig an Comhchoiste le chéile ag 12:30 The Joint Committee met at 12:30 COMHALTAÍ A BHÍ I LÁTHAIR / MEMBERS PRESENT: Teachtaí Dála / Deputies Teachtaí...