Oireachtas Joint and Select Committees
Tuesday, 13 February 2018
- Joint Oireachtas Committee on Agriculture, Food and the Marine (0 speeches)
The Joint Committee met at 17:00 MEMBERS PRESENT: Deputy Jackie Cahill, Senator Paul Daly, Deputy Martin Kenny, Senator Pádraig Mac Lochlainn, Deputy Charlie McConalogue, Senator Michelle...- Business of Joint Committee (1 speech)
I remind members to ensure their mobile telephones are switched off, as normal. One can see, from time to time, the manner in which they interfere with the communications systems. Apologies... - Climate Change Issues specific to the Agriculture, Food and Marine Sectors: Discussion (43 speeches)
Before we begin, I remind members and witnesses to please make sure their mobile telephones are completely turned off. We are here today to discuss climate change and issues specific to the...
- Business of Joint Committee (1 speech)
- Joint Oireachtas Committee on Children and Youth Affairs (0 speeches)
The Joint Committee met at 13:30 MEMBERS PRESENT: Deputy Lisa Chambers, Senator Máire Devine, Deputy Denise Mitchell, Senator Catherine Noone. Deputy Tom Neville, Deputy Anne Rabbitte,...- Cybersecurity for Children and Young Adults: Discussion (Resumed) (186 speeches)
I welcome Professor Barry O'Sullivan, director of the Insight Centre for Data Analytics in the department of computer science in University College Cork, UCC, and Dr. Mary Aiken, adjunct...
- Cybersecurity for Children and Young Adults: Discussion (Resumed) (186 speeches)
- Joint Oireachtas Committee on Finance, Public Expenditure and Reform, and Taoiseach (0 speeches)
The Joint Committee met at 14:10 MEMBERS PRESENT: Deputy Dara Calleary,+ Senator Rose Conway-Walsh, Deputy Michael McGrath, Senator Gerry Horkan, Deputy Paul Murphy, Senator Kieran O'Donnell....- Business of Joint Committee (1 speech)
As we have a quorum, we can begin. I propose that we go into private session to deal with some matters. - Our Public Service 2020: Minister for Public Expenditure and Reform (49 speeches)
I welcome the Minister for Public Expenditure and Reform, Deputy Paschal Donohoe, and his officials to the meeting and I invite the Minister to make his opening statement. - Benefacts Project: Discussion (203 speeches)
We will now deal with No. 7, which is an overview of the Benefacts project. I welcome Ms Patricia Quinn, managing director, and Tom Boland, chairman, of Benefacts.
- Business of Joint Committee (1 speech)
- Joint Oireachtas Committee on Jobs, Enterprise and Innovation (0 speeches)
The Joint Committee met at 16:00 MEMBERS PRESENT: Deputy Tom Neville, Senator Aidan Davitt, Senator Paul Gavan, Senator Kevin Humphreys, Senator James Reilly. DEPUTY MARY BUTLER IN THE CHAIR.- Sectoral Employment Order: Minister of State at the Department of Business, Enterprise and Innovation (13 speeches)
As we have a quorum, we are now in public session. Apologies have been received from Deputies Quinlivan, Niall Collins and Stephen Donnelly. The committee will now undertake consideration of... - Messages to Dáil and Seanad (1 speech)
In accordance with Standing Order 90, the following message will be sent to the Dáil:The Joint Committee on Business, Enterprise and Innovation has completed its consideration of the... - Scrutiny of EU Legislative Proposals (23 speeches)
I remind members, witnesses and people in the Visitors Gallery to ensure their mobile phones are switched off or in flight mode for the duration of this meeting as they interfere with the...
- Sectoral Employment Order: Minister of State at the Department of Business, Enterprise and Innovation (13 speeches)
- Joint Oireachtas Committee on Arts, Heritage, Regional, Rural and Gaeltacht Affairs (0 speeches)
The Joint Committee met at 11:00 MEMBERS PRESENT: Deputy Niamh Smyth, Senator Maura Hopkins, Senator Marie-Louise O'Donnell, Senator Aodhán Ó Ríordáin, Senator Fintan...- Business of Joint Committee (1 speech)
Tá ceathrar comhaltaí i láthair agus is féidir linn tús a chur leis an gcruinniú. Táimid i seisiún poiblí. Níl aon leithscéal faighte... - Irish Film Industry: Discussion (Resumed) (73 speeches)
We will continue our discussion on working conditions in and the development of the Irish film industry. At our previous meeting we heard from the Irish Film Board, Screen Producers Ireland,...
- Business of Joint Committee (1 speech)