Oireachtas Joint and Select Committees
Thursday, 13 July 2017
- Public Accounts Committee (0 speeches)
AN COISTE UM CHUNTAIS PHOIBLÍ COMMITTEE OF PUBLIC ACCOUNTS Déardaoin, 13 Iúil 2017. Thursday, 13 July 2017. The Committee met at 09:00 MEMBERS PRESENT: Deputy Peter Burke, Deputy...
- Select Committee on Foreign Affairs and Trade, and Defence (0 speeches)
The Select Committee met at 12:15 MEMBERS PRESENT: Deputy Seán Barrett, Deputy Darragh O'Brien, Deputy Seán Crowe, Deputy Maureen O'Sullivan. DEPUTY BRENDAN SMITH IN THE CHAIR.
- Joint Oireachtas Committee on Finance, Public Expenditure and Reform, and Taoiseach (1 speech)
The Joint Committee met at 09:30 MEMBERS PRESENT: Deputy Pearse Doherty, Senator Rose Conway-Walsh. Deputy Michael McGrath, Deputy Paul Murphy, Deputy Sean Sherlock, DEPUTY JOHN MCGUINNESS IN THE...
- Scrutiny of EU Legislative Proposals (1 speech)
Before we proceed to our main item, I wish to record the following decisions taken by the joint committee on EU proposals. The committee agreed that the EU proposal listed in Schedule B - COM...
- Overview of Operations and Functioning of NAMA: Discussion (191 speeches)
Item No. 9 is an overview of the operations and functioning of the National Asset Management Agency, NAMA, and its annual report for 2016. I welcome Mr. Frank Daly and Mr. Brendan McDonagh with...
- Joint Oireachtas Committee on Housing, Planning, Community and Local Government (0 speeches)
The Joint Committee met at 09:30 MEMBERS PRESENT: Deputy Ruth Coppinger, Senator Jennifer Murnane O'Connor, Deputy Barry Cowen, Senator Grace O'Sullivan. Deputy Mattie McGrath, Deputy Eoin Ó...
- Business of Joint Committee (1 speech)
At the request of the broadcasting and recording services, members are asked to ensure their mobile phones are turned off or switched to airplane or flight mode, depending on the device used, for...
- Pyrite Resolution Board: Chairperson Designate (23 speeches)
We are now in public session. I welcome Mr. Jack Keyes, chairman designate of the Pyrite Resolution Board. The purpose of this morning's session is to engage with him on his strategic...
- Review of Housing and Homelessness Policies and Initiatives: Local Authorities (90 speeches)
I welcome Mr. Pat Ledwidge and Ms Valerie O'Sullivan from Cork City Council; Mr. Anthony Flynn and Ms Eileen Gleeson from Dublin City Council; Ms Margaret Geraghty and Ms Mary Egan from Fingal...