Oireachtas Joint and Select Committees
Wednesday, 8 March 2017
- Committee on Budgetary Oversight (0 speeches)
The Select Committee met at 14:00 MEMBERS PRESENT: Deputy Thomas P. Broughan, Deputy John Lahart Deputy Joan Burton, Deputy Michael McGrath, Deputy David Cullinane, Deputy Eamon Ryan. DEPUTY LISA...
- Business of Committee (4 speeches)
As we have a quorum, we will commence the meeting. We are now in public session. Apologies have been received from Deputies Dara Calleary, Pat Deering, Stephen Donnelly, Seán Barrett, Colm...
- Developments in the National Debt: National Treasury Management Agency (128 speeches)
I welcome, from the National Treasury Management Agency, Mr. Conor O'Kelly, chief executive, and Mr. Frank O'Connor, director of funding and debt management. They will be dealing with...
- Committee on Public Petitions (0 speeches)
The Joint Committee met at 13:30 MEMBERS PRESENT: Deputy Shane Cassells, Senator Jerry Buttimer, Deputy Martin Heydon, Senator Lorraine Clifford Lee.* Deputy John Lahart,* Deputy Denise Mitchell,...
- Business of Joint Committee (3 speeches)
As we have a quorum of four members, we will commence the meeting and we are in public session. I wish to inform members that an apology has been received from the Chairman, Deputy Sean...
- Promoting Awareness of the Public Petitions Process: Discussion (30 speeches)
We are resuming in public session. We will now deal with the issue of promoting awareness of the public petitions process. I thank the witnesses for attending. Before we commence the...
- Joint Oireachtas Committee on Children and Youth Affairs (0 speeches)
The Joint Committee met at 09:00 MEMBERS PRESENT: Deputy Lisa Chambers, Senator Joan Freeman, Deputy Tom Neville, Senator Catherine Noone. Deputy Donnchadh Ó Laoghaire, Deputy Jan...
- Select Committee on Children and Youth Affairs (0 speeches)
The Select Committee met at 10:40 MEMBERS PRESENT: Deputy Lisa Chambers, Deputy Jan O'Sullivan, Deputy Kathleen Funchion, Deputy Anne Rabbitte, Deputy Tom Neville, Deputy Katherine Zappone...
- Joint Oireachtas Committee on Health (0 speeches)
The Joint Committee met at 13:30 MEMBERS PRESENT: Deputy Bernard J. Durkan, Senator Colm Burke, Deputy Billy Kelleher, Senator John Dolan, Deputy Margaret Murphy O'Mahony, Senator Rónán...
- Select Committee on Health (0 speeches)
The Select Committee met at 16:00 MEMBERS PRESENT: Deputy Marcella Corcoran Kennedy Deputy Kate O'Connell. (Minister of State at the Department of Health), DEPUTY MICHAEL HARTY IN THE CHAIR.
- Medical Practitioners (Amendment) Bill 2014 [Seanad]: Committee Stage (10 speeches)
The meeting has been convened to consider the Medical Practitioners (Amendment) Bill 2014. The purpose of the Bill is to amend the Medical Practitioners Act 2007 to provide for a requirement for...
- Message to Dáil (1 speech)
In accordance with Standing Order 90, the following message will be sent to the Dáil:The Select Committee on Health has completed its consideration of the Medical Practitioners (Amendment)...
- Joint Oireachtas Committee on Justice, Defence and Equality (0 speeches)
The Joint Committee met at 09:00 MEMBERS PRESENT: Deputy Colm Brophy, Senator Frances Black, Deputy Jack Chambers, Senator Martin Conway. Deputy Clare Daly, Deputy Jim O'Callaghan, Deputy Mick...
- Penal Reform: Discussion (Resumed) (131 speeches)
In our first public session we will have a discussion with the Irish Prison Service in a continuation of a series of hearings on penal reform. The joint committee has identified penal policy and...