Oireachtas Joint and Select Committees
Wednesday, 28 November 2012
- Joint Oireachtas Committee on Education and Social Protection (0 speeches)
The Joint Committee met at 13:00 MEMBERS PRESENT: Deputy Ray Butler, Senator Jim D'Arcy, Deputy Michael Colreavy,* Senator Marie Moloney, Deputy Derek Keating, Senator Averil Power. Deputy...
- Business of Joint Committee (1 speech)
Apologies have been received from Senator Diarmuid Wilson and Deputy Jonathan O'Brien. Deputy Colreavy will substitute for Deputy O'Brien. We will go into private session to deal with...
- Reform of Third Level Education: Discussion (43 speeches)
I welcome witnesses from the Department of Education and Skills and the Higher Education Authority, HEA, to today's meeting to discuss reform of third level education. From the HEA I welcome Mr....
- Committee on Finance, Public Expenditure and Reform: Select Sub-Committee on Public Expenditure and Reform (0 speeches)
The Select Committee met at 14:00 MEMBERS PRESENT: Deputy Sean Fleming, Deputy Dara Murphy, Deputy Brian Hayes (Minister of State at the Department of Finance), Deputy Arthur Spring, Deputy...
- Joint Oireachtas Committee on Justice, Defence and Equality (0 speeches)
The Joint Committee met at 09:45 MEMBERS PRESENT: Deputy Niall Collins, Senator Ivana Bacik, Deputy Finian McGrath, Senator Paul Bradford, Deputy Pádraig Mac Lochlainn, Senator Martin...
- Joint Oireachtas Committee on Transport and Communications (0 speeches)
The Joint Committee met at 09:30 MEMBERS PRESENT: Deputy Timmy Dooley, Senator Terry Brennan, Deputy Dessie Ellis, Senator Eamonn Coghlan, Deputy Noel Harrington, Senator Paschal Mooney, Deputy...
- NRA and RPA: Discussion with Chairman Designate (21 speeches)
The purpose of the first part of this morning's meeting is to meet with the chairperson designate of the National Roads Authority, NRA, and the Railway Procurement Agency, RPA, Mr. Cormac...
- Wicklow Port Company: Discussion with Chairman Designate (33 speeches)
We are joined by the chairman designate of Wicklow Port Company, Mr. Brendan Newsome, to discuss his proposals for his new role and his views on the challenges facing the company. Members will...