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  • Eanna O Cochlain: I would hope and expect that ANYONE who is truly working to promote the well being of exploited children anywhere would have the common decency and care to NOT displaying or publishing pictures... (23 July 2017)
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  • PJ Coleman: Who on earth would want to merge public institutions without the consent of staff? Can you imagine the mess if staff withdrew their goodwill? (16 January 2016)
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  • Robert Browne: "It is one of a series of rights such as the right to food and the right to a roof over one's head, yet the Government seems to be taking a completely different attitude to water" I also live... (21 December 2013)
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  • Robert Browne: "It is one of a series of rights such as the right to food and the right to a roof over one's head, yet the Government seems to be taking a completely different attitude to water" I also live... (21 December 2013)
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  • John McDermott: Maureen is a worthy successor to the late Tony Gregory. Nevertheless the farce goes on and those who destroyed the country (Bankers and politicians)are still governing. Despairingly there is... (26 June 2010)
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