Written answers

Tuesday, 8 November 2016

Department of Children and Youth Affairs

Departmental Strategy Statements

Photo of Margaret Murphy O'MahonyMargaret Murphy O'Mahony (Cork South West, Fianna Fail)
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519. To ask the Minister for Children and Youth Affairs if her Department has produced a new statement of strategy since May 2016; and if so, the measures in it to support persons with disabilities. [33627/16]

Photo of Katherine ZapponeKatherine Zappone (Dublin South West, Independent)
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I can inform the Deputy that my Department has prepared a draft Statement of Strategy for 2016-2019. The draft was prepared following consultations with external stakeholders, the Joint Oireachtas Committee on Children and Youth Affairs, other Government Departments and the staff of my Department. The content is informed by the commitments in the Programme for Partnership Government for which I have responsibility, my stated priorities and my Department's ongoing responsibilities. The draft is also informed by the guidance issued to all Departments by the Department of the Taoiseach. Subject to some final adjustments, I expect it will be published shortly.

Although, I do not have lead responsibility in the area of disability I have lead responsibility on an initiative under my Department which provides supports for children with disabilities through the Access and Inclusion Model (AIM). This model, launched earlier this year, will enable all children with disabilities to fully access the ECCE scheme. When published, my Department's Statement of Strategy will reflect my ambition to continue to develop and implement this model which I believe to be a huge step forward for children with disabilities and their families.

The Strategy will also reflect my commitment to have a child welfare and protection system that is effective and responsive to the needs of all children, particularly the needs of most vulnerable groups that include children with disabilities. It will reflect the importance I attach to the participation of children and young people in decisions that affect their lives. I intend to implement the National Strategy on the Participation of Children and Young People in Decision Making 2015-2020 which includes particular initiatives to involve marginalised children, including children with disabilities and other vulnerable groups.

Central to the priorities that I want to advance, as reflected in my Statement of Strategy, will be the implementation of Better Outcomes Brighter Futures,the National Policy Framework for Children and Young People 2014-2020. This framework requires collaboration with all stakeholders and provides the context for our own work as well as the agenda for our leadership of effort to improve outcomes for children and young people, including children with disabilities.


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