Oireachtas Joint and Select Committees

Wednesday, 17 April 2024

Joint Oireachtas Committee on Agriculture, Food and the Marine

Coillte CGA: Chairperson Designate

Photo of Claire KerraneClaire Kerrane (Roscommon-Galway, Sinn Fein)
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Ms Jupp said she wants to hear the views of the committee members on forestry and the new forestry programme. The committee has done a lot of work and, despite its cross-party membership, it is very much concerned as a unit about the forestry programme as it stands. I am just back from attending a briefing by Forest Industries Ireland, at which Coillte was represented.

At every meeting I held with people from every part of the forestry sector, alarm bells were raised about the programme and the number of restrictions and conditions within it when it comes to people planting. Ms Jupp will also know there are significant issues with the uptake of the forestry programme and the willingness to plant land when it comes to farmers. There have been issues outstanding in respect of, for example, ash dieback. The challenge is huge. We are not meeting our targets. It is important to say the committee is very concerned about the limitations and restrictions on the new forestry programme. I certainly believe elements of it are totally unworkable, which is very disappointing. Sometimes, money is an issue and the money is not there but, in this case, the money is there and the premiums are quite good. However, in my engagement to date, including with Coillte representatives, there are significant difficulties with the programme. That will be a major challenge in meeting our targets.

I will raise a matter referenced in the opening statement. The recreation piece is very important. I had a meeting with people from Coillte last year in Portumna Forest Park, which is a wonderful amenity. Such amenities are very important in showing people and allowing them in to see forestry. It is also a very important space for recreation. I am glad to see plans to expand that, which is very important. People should have the option of going to these forests for a walk or whatever else. That is very important and I welcome it. It is also important, however, for the committee to put across the real challenges there are around meeting our targets and now meeting those targets under a forestry programme that I believe is unworkable, which is very concerning for the future of forestry, plantation and meeting our targets.