Oireachtas Joint and Select Committees

Tuesday, 27 February 2024

Joint Oireachtas Committee on Education and Skills

North-South Student Mobility: Discussion (Resumed)

Mr. Andrew Brownlee:

I actually see the opposite. We have these facilities with the regional colleges. Sometimes apprentices can be called all over the country for phase 2 of training. So having these facilities within reach of people who live in Donegal is a massive advantage, rather than calling them to Kerry or Dublin or Cork. We try to avoid that as far as possible. When you look at it on an all-island basis, for people living in Donegal the North is far more accessible to them than coming down to certain parts of the South. Consequently, I can see no barriers. We have registered apprentices with Northern Ireland addresses. I think there are 110 currently. If the work is there and if there is an employer there to take them on, we allow and facilitate that. It works also vice versa, in that the training is accessible and there is less of an accommodation crisis there if we choose to move to the locality. I see only an upside at the moment. We need to tread carefully, as we have a very skilled instructor work force in Ireland working across the ETBs and across the HEIs. They are doing an incredible job and really have been ramping up capacity considerably since 2019. They understand this is an additional asset that can be used to help us to get to where we need to be by the end of the year.