Oireachtas Joint and Select Committees

Thursday, 1 February 2024

Committee on Key Issues affecting the Traveller Community

Traveller Accommodation: Discussion (Resumed)

Mr. Tom Gilligan:

The view of Mayo County Council on the way it builds relationships with the Traveller community is that it is all about being inclusive and about having dignity and respect. One of the reasons Mr. Walsh and Ms Corcoran were brought before the committee today is that they are the council's eyes and ears on the ground when it comes to dealing with the Traveller community. I believe that liaising with the Traveller community on accommodation is critical. I put my hands up to say that Mayo County Council has not got it right all the time. There have been occasions where things have not worked out but I believe, as my colleagues from Cork City Council have outlined, that the solutions lie in good estate management and waste management, as well as being mindful of the fact that we must do certain things better. I believe that as a local authority, we are fulfilling a lot of our obligations and we have very good relationships with the Traveller community.

Another issue the Cathaoirleach raised was specific planning exemptions. Part of my remit is to deal with the humanitarian crisis around refugees and I have experience on planning exemptions, in County Mayo specifically, as the council has a number of modular homes that were built specifically. From my experience, although initially no issues were raised on the issue of the modular homes, after a time I believe there was resentment there, specifically on the question as to why the council cannot do this for everyone. I am mindful of opening up a situation where an "us and them" scenario is created. I am mindful in this regard going forward. Mayo County Council does not have any issues in respect of Part 8 but I am mindful about going down the road of exemptions around planning. From my experience, while initially it did work and there was goodwill and buy-in, I wonder whether that goodwill and buy-in is still there in the community.