Oireachtas Joint and Select Committees

Tuesday, 5 December 2023

Joint Oireachtas Committee on Assisted Dying

Religious, Faith-Based and other Philosophical Perspectives on Assisted Dying: Discussion

Ms Petra Conroy:

I understand that is one of the issues that is under debate, that is, whether you can really distinguish. I have been trying to say, "Somebody who wants to take their own life". Under the current suicide prevention supports, there is a certain set of supports but if I am able to present my case in a rational and calm way, there is an idea that I am not suicidal. It is very hard to distinguish. If somebody wants to take their own life, there is a raft of reasons they might want to. My point is that they should be equally supported. That is not a religious point of view. For instance, if somebody has six months to live as a result of cancer and the State says that person can end their own life, everybody who has six months to live as a result of cancer knows they are in a situation where if they ask their doctor-----