Oireachtas Joint and Select Committees

Tuesday, 26 September 2023

Joint Oireachtas Committee on Climate Action

Impact on Carbon Budgets of Trend Towards Heavier and Larger Vehicles: Discussion

Dr. Peter Mock:

I will add some numbers. The average European car weights approximately 1.4 tonnes meaning that, with 1.6 tonnes, one definitely, as Mr. Nix said, has some good options also for families that capture a typical car. For battery-electric cars, though, one has to take into account that the battery itself is quite heavy. For a typical vehicle, the battery would weigh an additional 400 kg or so. This is also the reason the battery weight for battery-electric vehicles is not accounted for in the French regulations, for example. Typically, the battery is subtracted and only the remaining weight of the vehicle is regulated, which makes sense. Under those conditions, the 1.6 tonnes cap in France is a very good one and makes sure that a vehicle that weighs 2.7 tonnes, such as the BMW I showed, is at least taxed pretty heavily.