Oireachtas Joint and Select Committees

Tuesday, 8 July 2014

Joint Oireachtas Committee on Environment, Culture and the Gaeltacht

Licensing and Harvesting of Seaweed in Ireland: Discussion

6:40 pm

Mr. Jean-Paul Deveau:

The point I am making is that companies look for points of comparison and they state that their product is better for particular reasons. That is a reality of competition in the marketplace.

The organisations that are here compete and they compete in a proper way by investing in research and development, by doing proper research and by going out and developing markets.

The penetration rate of these products in the marketplace is very low. The real gains to be made lie in getting people, particularly those involved in agriculture, to use these classes of products which, in turn, will create a larger market for everyone. That industry-cluster type of relationship is a great way to build a larger industry and market, not just in Ireland but also across the world, which would be to our benefit and that of BioAtlantis, Brandon Products Limited and other producers.

If harvesters are unhappy, what can be done to remedy it? We know that not every harvester will be happy. What is important is that the community of harvesters is happy and that they have an industry on which they can depend. If that is happening, it is successful.

I commented on a three year harvesting licence. If, after three years, someone had not followed the necessary regulations, the Government could impose conditions in renewing the licence or not renew it at all. Licences should also have clauses to allow the Minister to take action against harvesters who operate in an undesirable way such as through over-harvesting, including withdrawing their licences altogether.