Oireachtas Joint and Select Committees

Wednesday, 9 April 2014

Joint Oireachtas Committee on Finance, Public Expenditure and Reform

Mortgage Arrears Resolution Process: (Resumed) Permanent TSB and AIB

12:00 pm

Photo of Aideen HaydenAideen Hayden (Labour)
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I will be brief in my response. I understand the legal nuance of the situation but I must disagree with the rosy view on the appointment of rent receivers or any other type of receiver to buy-to-let properties. In many cases, tenants have had money taken from them and have been forcibly evicted. There is no maintenance on the property and there is a significant need for clarity in the legislation with regard to treatment of tenants. There is no code of conduct on mortgage arrears for buy-to-let properties and, quite often, tenants are left in a poor situation and treated badly by lending institutions. The area must be rectified.