Oireachtas Joint and Select Committees

Wednesday, 6 March 2013

Joint Oireachtas Committee on Education and Social Protection

Poverty Issues: Discussion with European Anti-Poverty Network

1:55 pm

Photo of Charlie McConalogueCharlie McConalogue (Donegal North East, Fianna Fail)
Link to this: Individually | In context | Oireachtas source

What is the dynamic between the number of people who are currently homeless and on the streets and the reasons behind it? Could one categorise the problem? I accept some homeless people have issues with drug and addiction problems. Do other categories of people also become homeless? There is an allowance for unemployment and also rent supplement, which is by no means generous but it is a safety net to ensure people do not end up on the street. That does require people leading a lifestyle which is conducive to that. Are there other categories of people which also contribute to an increase in the number of homeless people?

On introducing a system of rent supplement that would be more akin to the way rent is charged for council houses, could the witnesses develop the suggestion more and outline the proposed costs? What was said makes sense. I agree that people face a poverty trap coming off social welfare. In some cases low-paid jobs are available but it can be difficult to make the jump from getting rent supplement to being in the workforce. I would like to hear the proposal fleshed out and how it might work.