Oireachtas Joint and Select Committees

Wednesday, 24 April 2024

Joint Oireachtas Committee on Jobs, Enterprise and Innovation

The 50th Anniversary of Guaranteed Irish: Discussion

Ms Br?d O'Connell:

I thank the committee for inviting us to present today. This year, Guaranteed Irish, the not-for-profit membership organisation, celebrates 50 years of supporting businesses in Ireland. Guaranteed Irish currently represents more than 2,000 members who employ more than 120,000 people across the Twenty-six Counties.

Established in 1974 as a national symbol of trust and provenance for business in Ireland, it is dedicated to sustaining jobs and communities. Almost three-quarters of consumers in Ireland recognise the symbol and nine out of ten members say it has financially benefited their businesses. The 2024 Guaranteed Irish report, which was conducted by Red C research, outlines the economic impact of the membership organisation with 80% agreeing that by buying from Guaranteed Irish businesses, they are promoting a sustainable economy. The report also highlighted the value of the symbol, with 81% stating that Guaranteed Irish stands out from other brands in its support for Irish jobs, community and the circular economy at large. Some 91% of consumers agree that by buying from Guaranteed Irish businesses they are supporting local jobs. The annual turnover among members is estimated at more than €15 billion and, globally, the figure is €52.27 billion.

The 50th anniversary presents an opportunity for us to celebrate the impact that Guaranteed Irish has had on existing business members and, of course, for us to attract new ones. Our members who are committed to Ireland and its workforce span indigenous businesses and locally based global leaders. They support more than 120,000 jobs throughout the country. Their continued commitment to supporting sustainable jobs, contributing to local communities and a commitment to Irish provenance allows us to grow our offering. We look forward to continuing this commitment into the future.

To mark the anniversary, Guaranteed Irish has launched, and continues to launch, several initiatives, including a national communications campaign that explains what Guaranteed Irish represents in a modern Ireland. There are national campaigns, such as the 50-50-50 competition, which offers the chance for one lucky business with 50 employees or more the chance to win a communications campaign worth more than €50,000, including national and regional radio, TV, print, digital and PR. The competition is open to current licensed members of Guaranteed Irish in 2024 and 2025. That allows for new people to join as well. I ask the members of the committee to please inform their constituents and local employers at home, because this is a rare and unique opportunity and a way of giving back to their community and constituents.

A commemorative stamp was released in February to mark the 50th anniversary and a specially commissioned book is also available, which tells the story of the impact of Guaranteed Irish across society and Ireland's economy from the year it launched. We have brought a copy of the book, which we would like to share and present to the Chair. The stamp that was launched by An Post has had cross-country reach and has been a huge help with another large, established organisation. Like us, An Post was once a State-funded organisation and is now commercially run. It has been hugely helpful.

This year is Guaranteed Irish's 50th anniversary, which gives us an opportunity to look back to ensure we learn from our history and secure a better future. In the book, we have told the story of Guaranteed Irish and its role before and during the first 50 years that Ireland became an EU member. It is a story of support, and the agility and adaptability of people who want to hold onto their Irishness and still be part of the European movement. As an island nation, we have always wanted the best of both worlds and to survive we have had to adapt that. That translates into the motto: "Support local, look global", which is precisely the role of Guaranteed Irish. We need both. I cannot think of any other not-for-profit brand that has lasted the test of time over the past 50 years. Few such brands, even those that are international, enjoy such longevity and adaptability. We need to make more use of this because it is under-utilised in this country. We call on the Government and its Members to support us in that.

We would love to see Oireachtas Members making more use of this marketing tool to create more opportunities with us in Guaranteed Irish for the economy and the reputation of Ireland. As members will all know from their own businesses, companies go out and spend a fortune on brand development, brand messaging and communicating. Nobody knows about those costs more than politicians do. It is difficult to build and create a sense of purpose but Guaranteed Irish does this in spades.

Here we have a national brand that has achieved all of these things over the last 50 years and we are offering the opportunity to share this with the committee today. The Guaranteed Irish symbol is one recognised by 75% of the current multicultural population, which is no small achievement. It is seen as the national symbol of trust, as an international seal of approval and it has an overflowing sense of purpose that connects with sustainability, business and the community. It really does beg the question of why we are not using it more.

Did the committee know that nine out of ten of our members have told us this year, through independent research, that the Guaranteed Irish symbol helps them to drive sales and positively impacts their bottom line? Others have said it helps them attract quality talent. It is multipurpose. People are looking for it and our campaigns are all about looking out for the Guaranteed Irish symbol. We are asking the committee to help people to find it by helping us to use it everywhere.

As it is the 50th anniversary, it is very important that I pay tribute to all who have gone before in their commitment to Guaranteed Irish, from politicians to business owners to stakeholders. Looking back, what a half-century it has been as a nation. Have we not come a long way? A special acknowledgement goes to the design team who 50 years ago conceptualised the small but powerful symbol with the I inside the G. This was brilliant in many ways and is now of iconic status. It just happens to capture all that is good about Ireland, unlike any other brand, and that is why it has prevailed. In 1973, when Ireland joined the EEC, Guaranteed Irish helped companies move from an island economy to a European economy, focusing on quality and marketing. Only those who adapted survived.

With change comes opportunity, and for those businesses that were brave and agile enough, rewards came in the shape of exports. In 1974, Guaranteed Irish as we know it now was born as a not-for-profit company limited by guarantee. Its mission was to support local and, in so doing, to create much-needed employment. As multinationals started to invest in Ireland, dot.coms emerged and we became entrepreneurs. We were now a trusted and a safe place to invest and work in following the Good Friday Agreement.

Throughout this time, Guaranteed Irish, while diminished, was steady and trusted in a world of distrust. A long-term trusted companion is a tool that should never be underestimated in any society but it certainly needed revitalising. In 2016, Guaranteed Irish modernised its role and relaunched itself as a national symbol of trust to support all businesses based in Ireland, homegrown and international, that support jobs, community and provenance in a sustainable manner. It was no longer protectionist. Application for the licence was open to all. In 2020, hit by a global pandemic, we were all forced to re-evaluate. Guaranteed Irish came into its own, advocating for businesses to support local while still looking globally. We were living the brand, we were at our best and we were "All Together Better", as our strapline says.

Here we are now in 2024. I do not have to tell the committee that this is the election year of our lifetime. Globally, 49% of the people will be voting in national elections, the results of which, for many, will prove consequential for years to come. The burden is heavy and as we have a responsibility to try to get things right, how can Guaranteed Ireland help? Guaranteed Irish has always thrived in times of change. It has always been a positive brand for Ireland. In a world of unrest, distrust and uncertainty, a brand like Guaranteed Irish creates a stable and trusting business environment and a solution to some of our sustainability targets. This is particularly the case in respect of education concerning "sustainability", a well-meaning word but one that is misunderstood more often than not. It is important that we play a role in educating our members in this space. I ask the committee to think about this perspective. When you support a local business, you are not just securing those jobs, you are also helping to create greater attention around the area of building trust equity into the supply chain. There is a value in that.

We learnt a lot during Covid. It is good to know where our products are coming from and good to trust where they are coming from and good to trust that those supplying us are doing good things for their people and our planet. Guaranteed Irish already has a leading role to play. We would like to make this bigger and we are ready and willing to play this enlarged role. We have worked hard to arrive at this stage. I pay a special tribute to the current board of directors and the appraisals team for their time, commitment and vision. They are all volunteers and give us great time, insights and experience, from which we really benefit. As volunteers, they give their precious time pro bonoto the organisation. Their commitment, experience and advice are invaluable to me, our team and the direction of the organisation. These are exceptional people.

Like our members and directors, I invite the committee members to participate in this endeavour and support Guaranteed Irish and its member businesses across Ireland as we embark on our biggest journey together to sustain life, enterprise and economies in our local Irish communities together in harmony. I thank the committee.